Since our inception in 1974, the leadership at Tru-Amp Corporation has been dedicated to providing the highest quality electrical engineering services available. Our capabilities include an expansive portfolio of maintenance, testing, and repair capabilities for virtually any electrical distribution system and related equipment. We have long-term relationships with numerous industry leaders in the telecommunications sector, where we provide fast and reliable preventive maintenance, testing, and repair capabilities for a variety of electrical systems and equipment.


How Tru-Amp Meets Your Telecom Needs

At Tru-Amp, we have worked with telecommunications customers for more than 40 years. We provide a variety of maintenance and testing services to our telecom customers, including:

  • Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) testing
  • Cable testing
  • Ground testing
  • Hipot testing
  • Infrared scanning
  • Protective relay testing
  • Switchgear inspection and testing

We maintain a highly skilled staff of experienced electrical engineers and technicians, including Level I, Level II, and Level III thermographers to conduct infrared scanning and analysis. We always have at least one electrical engineer on the job site to ensure the highest quality of service. Our preventative maintenance and protective testing allow our customers to catch issues with their machinery in the early stages to avoid equipment breakdowns and malfunctions.

Unlike many other firms that offer electrical engineering testing services, we offer a full portfolio of maintenance and repair capabilities. When our testing solutions identify a problem, we have the capacity to fix it for you without bringing in a third-party repair technician. We establish lead times for every project upfront, so the customer knows what to expect. We can also develop, update, implement, and maintain electrical system schematics and drawings using AutoCAD, creating an easy reference tool for future work.


About Tru-Amp

Tru-Amp Corporation maintains a staff of highly capable electrical engineers and skilled technicians supported by innovative solutions and equipment. With an expansive portfolio of field services, our preventive maintenance, testing, and repair capabilities help you create a safe and efficient operating environment within your facility. Please contact us today to see how we can help to identify potential problems within your telecommunications systems.

See how our testing & maintenance capabilities can help to identify problems in your complex electrical systems

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